Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Middle

While reflecting on my summer I had this idea that I would do an overarching review of my trip in three parts (The Beginning, The Middle, The End). It would include revisiting many of the things I experienced along the way, as well as looks at how I began to suspect a specific theme tied up somewhere in all this adventuring and an evolving description of what I thought the meaning of that theme eventually became.

Recently I lost some of my older posts and started to think about backing my work up on a word document. While considering that I had another idea: to re-post many of my stories and descriptions from the other pages. By doing this I could weave together all of my different experiences (the trains, the games, the people, cycling trips) chronologically, in one place, as opposed to having them all on separate pages. At the time the individual pages were necessary because I was not sure of what the future held or when I would have the chance to record my experiences on the blog. But now it is easy to paste them together as they actually happened. This will also give me a chance to add new comments about what was going on regarding my feelings about the trip and the 'evolution of meaning'. With the added depth found in reflection, I hope to tell my story of an incredible summer that helped me realize some very important things.

So over the next month or so I will piece together my different writings, reliving my cross-country tour as I go. This will comprise 'The Middle' section of my summary and I will do it in multiple posts, often going week by week. I plan to talk in more detail about: my decision to leave the bicycle behind, how I tainted the purity of my goal to use no automobiles or airplanes, how I feel that purity is overrated, a burgeoning love affair from across the continent, what is truly important to me, and more.

 *I will fill the spaces of the games whose descriptions were deleted with an abbreviated version of what occurred, still accompanied by pictures and memory.  

**I hope this satisfies the wants of you people that have been clamoring for more. Thanks for your support.

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